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Baking two kind of cookies for Christmas

  Christmas cookies in different shapes Whole wheat cookies and butter cookies (Photo. Somin Park)    L ong time ago, when sugar and butter were very rare, the day of making sweet food using them would have been a very special day. Making food using expensive and hard-to-find items would have made many people happy as they look forward to Christmas. That is why the tradition of baking cookies while waiting for Christmas continues to this day. And after many spices began to spread in Europe, combining cookie dough and spices also became a tradition. That's why many Christmas desserts contain scents such as cinnamon, vanilla extract, and ginger. Long ago, when people were not wealthy, the desire to give gifts to neighbors and family continues to this day, which is why we can still enjoy cookies on Christmas. For that reason, I also enjoyed the cookie session with excitement and happiness.     The two types of cookies I make are similar in basic ingredients and process, but differ i

최근 글

Presevation of meat

Practical session1. Making jam and Canning for preservation food